Saturday, October 21, 2006

New York Sheep & Wool, here I come!!!!!

I am so very excited, I feel like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve. Finally, I am getting to go to the Sheep & Wool Festival . It is only about one hour from where I live but it seems as though something always comes up every year and I cna't go . Well, we stayed home from the lake this weekend to catch up on the leaves and yardwork so tomoroow we are free and clear. I am taking my husband with me so that will put a hamper on my stash enhancement. Hmmm, maybe I can ditch him for a while. I sincerely hope all you knitters who attended today left some nice hand dyed/ homespun for me. I can't wait to see the Llhamas, Alpachas, goats, bunnies, etc..... Can ya tell that tomorrow's post will be picture laden!!!

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