Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Good Reads !!

I managed to get some enjoyable reading in in 2006
Here is a list from 2006 that I've read:
The Tipping Point, Gladwell
Freakonomics, Levitt/Dubner
For One More Day, Albon
Benjamin Franklin, Morgan
The Audacity Of Hope, Obama
Our Endangered Values, J. Carter
East of Eden, Steinbeck
SnowFlower & The Secret Fan, L.See
Sword & Blossom, Pagnamenta/Williams
From Baghdad With Love, Kopelman
The Kite Runner, Hosseini

I have finished
The Dogs of Bedlam Farm ,Jon Katz
and also
A Good Dog ( the story of Orsen, who changed my life ) , Jon Katz

I had an interest in these as I am involved with dogs and any good dog story will pique my interest, but moreso with these as Jon Katz lives in West Hebron, N.Y. and it is fun to read about *local* people/places. West Hebron is where we will be retiring soon and we now spend as much time there as we have since I was about 10 years old.
The Dogs of Bedlam Farm details Katz's move and lifestyle change when he left N.J. to live in West Hebron and his tales begin with Orsen, his Border Collie.
Some other of his books include: Geeks, The Last Housewife, Death Row, Running To The Mountain ( again about West Hebron),Media Rants and more that I can't think of right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am reading Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer.... still reading it to try and figure out why it is a 'classic', so far may be the worst book I have read.

I found www.paperbackbookswap.com and got The Rogue Warrier by Marchinko, dont know why I didnt know about this sooner, but early on looks good.

Third book I am reading is Karl Haas' book on music.

Also daily I read from CS Lewis' daily reading, highly recommended.

Also check out dailylit.com they are like Project Gutenberg but will send you via email a part of a book a day. I am currently having Whitman's Leaves of Grass sent to my Blackberry.

Lots of good stuff to read!
I like the local author idea, especially if he is from West Hebron!

Nephew Brian