Friday, June 30, 2006

This is cute

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

Here is one of those cutsie things I found on someone's blog. It was fun & surprisingly 'almost', if only my computer can predict the future...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More dishcloths !

Wow, I can't get over how addictive knitting these dishcloths are! Here are some that I whipped up this past week. Two are the DW cloth which really shows off the definition of varigated cotton, they are mindless knitting which is a good thing during the busy summer months. The orange cloth is a simple stockinette stitch eyelet. I must admit though, I haven't had the courage to use them yet-don't want to mess them up...I have been told that they are the best thing for the kitchen & that once used I will never want to use a store bought cloth again...maybe someday, but right now they look really pretty stacked on my kitchen hutch!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

a good show weekend....

Well, we just got back from a 3 day dog show was pretty good!!!
On the first day our Pup 'Jeter' took Best of Winners for 2 points, the next day Reserve Winners and on the third day, which was a Specialty Show, Jeter took winners dog for a 4 point Major win !!!! Go 'Jeter-bug'...I have uploaded some of the action from the show. Professional Win Photos come in the mail in about a week.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

another FO

We had a rainy evening last night so I sat down and finished the Monthly Dishcloth KAL it is waiting on the ironing board to be blocked. Looks like I did not pull in the center stitches tight enough...oh well, next one I will.
I am begining to work on the Mason Dixon handtowels in the linen, not lovin' knitting with the linen. I will post my progress shortly & I will be looking for suggestions!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Waiting in the wings

I have purchased the Euroflax Linen & I have had the Mason Dixon book for a while now, so tonight I will start the Moss Grid hand towels. I have never knitted with linen before but I will take everyone's word that it WILL soften up after a wash.
As you can see, I have the blue all balled up & ready to go, I will wait till it is 'sit-down' time tonight.
I am really not a T.V. person but there are a few shows I look forward to, the Sunday night HBO line up is one of them,( miss Big Love-HBO does come up with some different and interesting shows...then...poof, they're gone ). The other I enjoy is The PBR ( professional bull riders ). Boy, that has to be THE most dangerous sport on T.V. at times it is a little too much to watch. But love it anyways-especially J.W. Hart!!! Geez, wish I was younger!!
I will post the progress on the hand towels later this week!

Monthly Dishcloths KAL

The Monthly Dishcloth KAL has begun the mid-June KAL. We are given a few rows a day to work on. It really is quite simple fun working along with others and trying to guess what the outcome will be like. This is the progress to date on mine & I can tell what the finished product will be like. Check them out! The link is a post or two down.

Don't forget it is Father's you know where your Dad is???? I phoned mine a short while ago & he was "out"....hmmmmmm

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday to my Grandson, Owen!

Happy Birthday to Owen. Enjoy the photos of Owen, his Mom, his Quad & Poppie!!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Hey, where's the knitting??

I know this is suppose to be a knitting blog. So, here are some photos. I have put away for the summer all my heavy wool WIP's and have taken up with some cotton dishcloths. I was inspired by the book Mason Dixon Knitting and the Monthly Dish Cloths KAL that I have joined. These little cloths are great for summertime summertime knitting, light weight, great way to try new stitches, and instant gratification as you can finish one in a night. I picked up some of the Euroflax Linen for the towels in the MD book and am anxiously awaiting to start one of these.

9/11, the peeper frog and the confused turkey

Having lost a close family friend to 9/11 and combining that with the fact that DH and I are entering the down-side of our 50's made me come to the realisation that I ain't gonna be here tooo much longer...we are only here for a short visit and will be gone for a LONG time. Due to that I have the last few years taken the time to smell the roses and savor the little things in life, like taking a sip of fine wine & enjoying every minute.
What does all this have to do with the title of this post you ask??? Give me a moment I'm getting there.
Last night after an exhausting day of work husband & I collapsed on the couch and flipped on the tv. I went into the kitchen to brew us our nightly cup of tea when I heard peeper frog had returned to the little pond we have in the garden. Boy was he calling loudly! Then to my surprise I heard a confused turkey answering his calls! This turkey had to be right in the front yard. Taking the tea into the living room husband & I turned off the light AND the tv and just sat there in the dark, sipping tea and listening. It was a beautiful 30 minutes or so. Goofy story you say? Well to me now, at this point in my life, it is these small simple things that make to world go 'round.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This is all new to me!!

Hello everyone!

This Blog-Thang is new to me so I hope you all will be very patient as I learn the ins & outs.

This blog will include mostly my knitting projects but I'll have a little of every day life included. I hope to include many knitting & family pixs as soon as I discover how....those of you out there who kknow me and would like to teach me some blog things I'll accept any help!

Oh WOW, I did a photo. How 'Kewl'. This is a photo of my puppy 'Jeter' taking his first win at Bucks County Dog Show....haven't got a 'clue' as to who the old woman is who is handling him for the win????? Hmmmmm....maybe I'll let you know tomorrow.