Friday, August 11, 2006

Along with everything else I do in my crazy life I breed Angora and MiniRex rabbits.
Three weeks ago we had a litter of baby Rex, just thought everyone would enjoy a photo of one of the babies, they are just so cute at this age.

Yesterday I was e-mailed on who my Mason Dixon exchange partner would be. This was so exciting now I can finally begin work on the towels I have been wanted to start!! DH just doesn't understand...he wants to know why I would knit something for someone I do not know and then have someone else I do not know send me the same thing as what I sent to someone else...wouldn't it be easier just to knit it and keep it for myself and save the postage???? Men, they just do not understand !!!
I explained to him that I get great joy knitting for another knitter just for the plain fact that they appreciate the time and effort that goes into these things.( insert looong sigh here )
We are taking a day trip tomorrow ( sshhh...this trip is a secret between DH and myself ) and this will be a good project to begin on the long car drive, can't wait!

1 comment:

Andi said...

What a cutie! We have a rabbit too a wild one that likes to visit now and then. Unfortnately he/she won't let me hold it like yours does... so cute!